Friday, July 23, 2010

self induced A.D.D. and delusional certainty (god and meth)

I have recently diagnosed myself with Attention Deficit Disorder. My definition of this possibly make believe disorder is the inability to remain focused on any particular task for any substantial amount of time due to your hectic surrounding and life which you probably created. My personal case can not be treated with Ritalin, generically named Methylphenidate, METH for short. I'd assume that I'm not the only one with this problem. Currently I have, one...two....six tabs open on my browser. Rob Dyrdek's fantasy factory is on the television approximately 12 paces away, muted of course, to battle my attention defecation. My phone, now sitting on the couch beside me, has buzzed four times with new texts since I started writing. I have the holiest of books in the history of ever to sitting to my left, yes the bible, I'll explain later. I am also currently eating chicken and a piece of wheat bread between sentences, not because I'm poor and black, but because it is a delicious combination and easy to prepare. Situations similar to this were included in my early studies on how I developed my severe non-fatal case of ADD.

Listing the tabs from right to left: (because i can list from right to left)
  1. How High Fructose Corn Syrup Damages your Body. Why is it there? Cause it looked interesting and like chlamydia that shit is everywhere.
  2. Methylphenidate - Wikipedia. Of course I did some research for this blog. Plus I didn't remember the technical name for Ritalin.
  3. This blog page.
  4. UFC: Ultimate Fighting Championship. Because I like to watch people get punched in or around the face.
  5. Facebook. Not currently logged in though, got to get my focus on.
  6. YouTube - The Good, The Evil, and The Useful. This is a short video of a pretty smart dude named Sam Harris, author, debater, intellectual, and Atheist. This is where the bible came in and why I needed to look something up.

As you can see my range of attention spreads across the spectrum. But it rarely stays on one thing for very long lately. There is always some new interest that comes to me which takes me away from my initial task to something random like Shake Weight commercials. If you haven't seen them YouTube that shit immediately because they are awkwardly hilarious and I'm starting to think they aren't as unintentional as I would assume. Someone had to realize the awkwardness during production. Back to the point. I started watching Sam Harris because of a Tweet from Joe Rogan (UFC commentator/fear factor guy). From there I let my mind literally wander where ever Google/YouTube would take me.

Sam Harris said something about "faith" that caught my attention in one of the videos. He said faith is good is some aspects, but not so good the way some (many) religious people use it. Faith doesn't make sense as a delusional certainty the way most people use the word; it does however make sense in staying positive when dealing with uncertainty. I couldn't agree more and this is probably what gets me into arguments with religies (as I like to call religious people). I find it very hard to have a blind, "delusional certainty" in something that is backwards to my logic and knowledge about the world (which is limited I know). I'm not saying I do or don't believe in god, but I will definitely say I don't believe in the white bearded man dressed in a white robe that comes to most peoples mind. I must admit the beard does give him a bit of credibility though. All I am saying is I have no idea what's right and wrong when it comes to religion and too many people act like they have all the answers. You don't. If you're delusional and certain you have the answer to the religion debate, please explain to me in 3 and 1/2 sentences or less because as I have previously mentioned my attention span is iffy at best sometimes.

I will not judge your belief in god and I won't cry if you judge mine. I haven't read the entire bible or Koran yet because they are long and the writing is small but I did watch Passion of the Christ twice with subtitles so I'm pretty sure I'm a borderline expert. ADD is not always a bad thing, sometimes you go on spiritually awkward journeys via YouTube; so realize that Ritalin or Meth is not always the best option.

Now to address Meth. Ritalin, generic name Methylphenidate. They don't even change the name to try to hide the fact that it's METH. Don't let your kids become meth addicts because they won't stop jumping on the couch or watching YouTube videos of cats. Make them do something physically or mentally challenging and interesting. If you Google Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Methamphetamine (crystal meth) you'll be surprised how similar they are.

Just letting you attention whores know it is OK to let your mind wander sometimes you might learn some shit. I will end this here so you can close one of your many tabs or windows and get back to work.

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