Friday, September 10, 2010

It is irresponsible to shoot a stranger - ask JFK or tupac.

To all my loyal reader:
I regret to inform you that this post contains unfortunate news. About two months ago I was shot twice, luckily avoiding the third bullet. I was going to a kickboxing class at Mt. San Antonio College at about 3:00 p.m. on a Saturday. With flip flops scuffing the ground on the way to the wrestling room I clutched my bag in one hand and fumbled my wrestling shoes in the other. Nothing out of the ordinary about this day, so signs of my eminent unavoidable doom. Approaching from about twenty meters was a young black male walking directly toward me. Still no sign of danger. At five meters out, this man, (probably a mt. SAC student), makes his move and draws his weapon. His pinky and ring fingers curled into a fist while index and middle finger aimed violently at my head. His thumb stood straight up initially and at the two meter range tilted to the side. At this point his thumb quickly fired forward with three short bursts.

If you haven't put two and eight together yet this mutherfucker shot me with a imaginary fucking gun. A perfect stranger fucking shot me with his imaginary finger gun for no apparent reason and kept walking as if nothing happened. To top it off he held it like they hold guns in gangster movies. The first two imaginary bullets surely hit me in the head and or chest the third may have whizzed by my ear thanks to my natural instinct to avoid invisible flying objects. At this point I'm completely confused. Did a random dude just fake hand gun me in the face? It was hard to believe but it happened. He SHOT me. Why the fuck would you shoot a stranger, imaginary gun or not, he was out of line.

I kept my cool glancing back to see him walking away with his imaginary pistol now apparently in the holster. Not even a hesitation, the shooter didn't break stride as he left me to die....or whatever happens when you fake shoot someone. I forgot about it temporarily and went to the kickboxing class. After class I walked uncomfortably to my car. One part of me wanted to see my assailant and imaginary shot gun him in the chest; the other part of me was afraid the crazy dude would have a real gun on our next encounter.

Since then, almost every time I'm walking through the parking lot at Mt. SAC I think about the strange man who shot me. It some seriousness it was a very emotional situation. It makes me laugh because the randomness of getting fake shot by a stranger is absolutely hilarious. But it also makes me mad because it is incredibly RUDE and irresponsible to shoot a stranger in the face regardless if you're using a real gun or a two finger pistola.

All in all there is no lesson to be learned but I would like to personally tell the man who shot me at point blank range one thing....FUCK YOU. This is a true story, I can't make this stuff up. It's been two months and I still think about it. So if you want to be a real asshole or leave a lasting impression on someone pull that hand out of your pocket, tilt that bitch sideways and bust a cap in a stranger. Trust me, they will remember you. As for my shooter, if you are reading this for some creepy reason, expect an imaginary machete chop right in the femur next time I see you. Bitch.

Included is a drawing of the man who shot me and a short description of his physique. Yes it is drawn on the back of a paper plate with a sharpie and yes I am a terrible artist but so what he shot me.

yours truly,