Friday, April 30, 2010

self titled

This will be the first blog of many....or the last blog of few. Let me start by introducing the title of my blog page. Most people would explain their titles rather than introduce them. My title, on the other hand is far too superior to be simply explained. "the neck of a giraffe smells like hope" (purposely not capitalized) is self explanatory as a title. If you've ever been giraffe riding or crossed barriers at the zoo you would know that the neck of a giraffe actually does smell exactly like hope in every way. If you've never been blessed with this experience, continue reading and I will fulfill you.

Here is a picture of a man inappropriately touching a giraffe. Notice the smell of hope is being concealed by a piece of cloth.

I'm writing this blog because I want to write for a magazine one day. I don't know which magazine and i have no idea how a hopeful giraffe neck would possibly be a step in the right direction. In fact, the idea of writing for a magazine is fairly new. This is just a step, whether the direction be right or wrong sometimes you just have to take a step. Especially if your standing in or around dog poop. I've been told I am indecisive and lack passion so I'm here to either prove or disprove these statements. The topics of this blog will be in line with the title of my blog page. So be prepared jerks.